Name: Steve Hill
Birthday: February 28th
Position at Iona:
Coordinator, Iona in Mission
Hobbies:Being a diehard Yankees fan; cooking…eating; walking; listening to public radio; reading anything and everything
Why do you participate in Go New Ro?This will be my first Go New Ro as well! I look back to a very similar program I did as freshman at Fordham and see how that was the transformative spark of my college life. I learned about the local community, fell in love with service, and began feeling at home in college. I am so passionate about Go New Ro, because I can see the impact on the participants as they become leaders and do-ers at Iona.
Favorite Thing about Iona?Hands down, the Make a Difference Week Kickball Game between the Best Buddies and Success Center children. We have the Pipe Band, an MC, the Dance Team and Cheerleaders and the participants and crowd have a blast enjoying an old fashion kickball game.
Favorite Iona Tradition?The Pipe Band!
Favorite Thing to do in New Rochelle?I love eating at Posto 22, which is a great local Italian restaurant that you will experience too.