Areini Arzu
Birthday: November 6th
Birthday: November 6th
President of Students of Caribbean Ancestry, National Student
Speech & Hearing Language Association Club, CSTEP, Edmund Rice Society, The
College Council for Diversity, UPA 13'-14'
Hobbies: Running, Nature Walks, and Shopping
Why do you participate in Go New Ro?
I was apart of the first Go New Ro here at Iona, and it had such a great impact on both my involvement and spiritual growth here on campus. I was introduced to both service projects and great friends. I met my roommates at Go New Ro, I went on my first midnight run and I was able to tour the town on New Rochelle. I’m very excited to be apart of this journey again with the new coming participants.
Favorite Thing About Iona?
Thanksgiving Day Parade in New Rochelle.
Favorite Iona Tradition?
Culture Feast during Weeks of Welcome, all the diversity come together with food and music.
Favorite Thing To Do in New Rochelle?
I like to eat at Applebees, (which is on the meal card) then go watch a movie in New Roc City; it’s very fun with a group of friends.